Back in March, Lawrence Anthony, a conservationist and author known as "The Elephant Whisperer", passed away. After his death, although they were not alerted to the event, a group of wild elephants Anthony helped to rescue and rehabilitate travelled to his house in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal. They stood around the house in an apparent vigil for two days, and then dispersed. Today, the elephants are "completely wild and doing fine" according to Graham Spence, Anthony's brother-in-law and co-author of three books.
At Thula Thula, the reserve where Anthony lived and where the elephants are today, his son Dylan Anthony continues his father's work through the Earth Organization, which Lawrence founded in 1998. Dylan is also continuing his father's legacy with another wildlife project in a rural area called Camperdown outside Durban, South Africa.
In April, the University of KwaZulu-Natal's College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science posthumously awarded Lawrence an honorary Doctor of Science degree. Dylan spoke about his father at that event. You can see the speech he gave below (Dylan's speech begins at 2:22):
In his speech, Dylan talks about the passionate environmental advocacy his father focused his life on: "Underlying everything Lawrence did was a clear understanding that education is the key to success in reversing mankind's ill-advised and reckless actions where they result in environmental deterioration and the endangerment and loss of species". He also describes his father's "extraordinary depth" and "his love of people, love of adventure, his love of animals, his infectious laugh, and his piercing sense of humour".
As for the elephants that Lawrence Anthony worked so hard to save, Spence says they are in great spirits at the moment: "The elephants at Thula Thula are completely wild and doing fine, especially with the good rains over the summer". Spence added that he suspects, "without being overly over-the-top, that the fact they all trooped up to his house the night he died could in some unfathomable way indicate they know he has gone, and accept it as all things that come to pass".
Posted May 14, 2012 Saying Goodbye: Elephants Hold Apparent Vigil To Mourn Their Human Friend
Lawrence Anthony was a conservationist and author known as "The Elephant Whisperer" who passed away on March 2nd. In 1999, Anthony rescued and rehabilitated a group of wild South African elephants who were deemed dangerous. And the animals appear to remember what he did for them: when Anthony passed away, a group of elephantsvisited his house in the South African KwaZulu for a two-day vigil, according to his family.
A line of elephants approaching the Anthony house
Anthony, who grew up in rural Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi, was known for his unique ability to communicate with and calm traumatized elephants. In his book 'The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild', he tells the story of saving the elephant herds, at the request of an animal welfare organization.
Anthony concluded that the only way he could save these elephants, who were categorized as violent and unruly, was to live with them - "To save their lives, I would stay with them, feed them, talk to them. But, most importantly, be with them day and night".
When Anthony died of a heart attack, the elephants, who were grazing miles away in different parts of the park, travelled over 12 hours to reach his house. According to his son Jason, both herds arrived shortly after Anthony's death. They hadn't visited the compound where Anthony lived for a year and a half, but Jason says "in coming up there on that day of all days, we certainly believe that they had sensed it".
Anthony with some members of the herd
While it's hard to say how they could have sensed that Anthony had died, elephants are known for their grieving rituals, both in the wild and in captivity. According to many researchers, elephants grieve the deaths of their relatives, as when a child or parent dies.
To find out more about Anthony's life and work - among his many achievements are the founding of conservation group The Earth Organization in 2003, and rushing to the Baghdad Zoo to protect the animals that remained alive there after the American invasion of Iraq - check out his obituary in the New York Times.
For another look at the emotional bonds that elephants may experience with one another, this short documentary details the experience of two elephants, Shirley Jenny, who were reunited after over 20 years of being apart. They went on to live together for 6 years before Jenny's death in 2006, at which time Shirley remained alone in the woods and didn't eat for two days:
A recent study soon to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, based upon analysis of data taken from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, has found that our Milky Way Galaxy could be host to over 4 billion Earth like planets. Kepler is a space observatory launched by NASA to discover Earth like planets that are orbiting other stars. Scientists studied the tremendous amount of red dwarf stars in our galaxy and determined that 6 percent of the 75 billion of them would have Earth like planets, that’s about 4.5 billion Earths. Red dwarves range from less than half to 7.5 percent of the mass of the sun. They put out between 10 percent and 1/10000 the energy of the sun. Scientists estimate that these planets are approximately 13 light years away, with one light year is equal to six trillion miles. This was surprising to scientists because 13 light years is considered to be very close, kind of like a cosmic backyard.
We thought we would have to search vast distances to find an Earth like planet. Now we realize another Earth is probably in our own backyard, waiting to be spotted. – Courtney Dressing, astronomer ad the Harvard Smithsonian Centre.
This is clearly mainstream science, by that I mean it pays no attention to the tremendous amount of evidence available that suggests we are not alone in the universe, and never have been. Although we have not been able to set foot and observe an Earth like planet in the flesh, there is no doubt that others from afar have been observing and stepping foot on Earth for thousands, if not millions of years. For over 50 years, UFOs have been tracked on radar by government, military and three letter agencies -it’s a world wide phenomenon. Sightings continue to increase so much so that thousands upon thousands of pages of UFO files have been released by dozens of governments. It didn’t seem to be a major headline when governments admitted to having a high interest in the UFO phenomenon and that military agencies scramble jets to get a closer look at them.
Not only do we have evidence, we have credible witness testimonies like shown below. I urge those reading this to have an open mind. Mainstream science is far behind when it comes to the UFO and alien subject. Maybe they are putting information out like this slowly to get us used to the idea that we are not alone, to open our minds a little more. One thing is certain, there are those on the planet that know we are not alone, and have spent a tremendous amount of resources covering it up. Collective Evolution has covered the UFO/Extraterrestrial phenomenon in depth, please browse through our website and do your own research if you are looking for more evidence that shows we are not alone.
Ask yourself, what is really going on? Why are we made to believe that our space agencies are searching for evidence of life on other planets when it’s clear that they already know we are not alone?
Several residents at the “Garden of Eden” sustainability garden in Arlington, Texas, claim that local police raided their farm because they thought tomato plants were marijuana plants.
The police reportedly damaged the garden's property and the crops during the Aug. 2 raid, which included a SWAT team (video below).
“They came here under the guise that we were doing a drug trafficking, marijuana-growing operation. They destroyed everything,” said garden owner Shellie Smith to WFAA-TV.
Apparently, an undercover officer and a helicopter surveillance crew believed there was probable cause that the wrong kind of plant was being grown in the garden and an armed raid was planned.
“They can’t even tell the difference between tomato plants and a marijuana drug cartel," said farm resident Quinn Eaker to NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. "That’s just really bad intel.”
However, the City of Arlington stated: “No cultivated marijuana plants were located on the premises. Narcotics detectives and members of the tactical unit cleared the scene within 45 minutes.”
According to reports, police officers removed legally cultivated plants such as blackberries and okra. Police also removed pallets, tires and cardboard that were used for sustainability projects.
Instead of the damage done to the farm, police spokesman Christopher Cook seemed more concerned about the reaction on Facebook against the police.
“That’s what concerns me about their social media allegations," Cook told the Dallas Morning News. "Yes, they were initially handcuffed, however once it was determined it was secure they were taken out of handcuffs. Typically we wouldn’t do that, but they were compliant."
they are haters of the one infinite creator destroying what he created...They whom ever they are will have to face their own consequences that's all...